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Glidecam HD-2000

4,0 4,0 sur 5 étoiles 131 évaluations

1 521,98 €
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{"desktop_buybox_group_1":[{"displayPrice":"1 521,98 €","priceAmount":1521.98,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"1 521","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"98","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"zytaUMhoOzVmmIM1VX4HZNelu%2BczoESMQhPsUbWSr5%2FCo9HVebzavdMdLH5mD4yYnKTIUM9qRPr6XHlIAHIcR%2F8%2BDoukfo%2FEAR9NYAe4lC3KYEa4vY8EU5dIuqV2hMByQGVWCeo%2Fdh4%3D","locale":"fr-FR","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":0}]}

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Couleur noir
Appareils compatibles Caméscope, Caméra
Poids de l'article 1,1 Kilogrammes
Recommandation de poids maximum 6 livres
Taille pliée 12 inches (l) x 4 inches (w) x 4 inches (h)
UPC 785528682456 674330200081
Code article international 00674330200081

À propos de cet article

  • Glidecam Industries HD-2000. Hauteur: 55,9 cm
  • Poids: 1,15 kg

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Description du produit

The lightweight and state-of-the-art Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held Camera Stabilizers will transform your hard to watch, shaky camera footage into hypnotically smooth, professional footage. The Glidecam HD-Series offers advanced features and a degree of sophistication never before seen in a line of Hand-held Camera Stabilizers. With the Glidecam HD-Series hand-held Stabilizers your camcorder seems to float, always balanced, isolated from your hands undesirable motions. Now you are free to move with your camera - panning, tilting, booming or running without any camera instability or shake. The Glidecam HD-Series works so well that it allows you to shoot incredibly smooth and graceful shots even while going to extremes like running up and down stairs or traveling over rugged terrain. And when it comes to normal shooting, like walking or moving the camera slowly around someone, the results are equally magical. Each HD-Series Stabilizer’s offset, foam cushioned, Handle Grip is attached to a free floating, three axis Gimbal. This allows your hand to move up and down, and side-to-side, thereby isolating your hand’s unwanted motions from the camera. This up and down movement alleviates the bouncing, pogo type action often associated with our competitor’s system because their handle cannot move up and down. This design feature, coupled with the overall higher inertia of the HD-Series systems, produces superior stabilization when compared with our competition. A unique and proprietary, precision, three-axis Gimbal incorporates several adjustable, axis convergence controls. This allows all three axes to intersect for proper operational alignment. A camera-mounting platform with a quick-release, no-tools, drop-on camera plate allows you to quickly attach or remove your camera. Ergonomic, control knobs allow quick, precise adjustment of the top stage’s back and forth, and side-to-side movement. These controls allow y

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Glidecam HD-2000

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4 étoiles sur 5
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Meilleures évaluations de France

  • Avis laissé en France le 2 mars 2016
    je l'utilise mintenant depuis 1 ans et il fluidifie parfaitement les mouvement. ( ce n'est pas non plus un ronin de dji, la fluidité est très bonne mais pas parfaite ). Il faut bien veiller a avoir le poids min dessus aussi car sinon la stabilisation sera impossible. Je l'utilise avec un canon 700D et nu le boîtier est trop léger je dois rajouter un micro, un écrans, un spot led enfin n'importe quelle asseoir car seul il est juste trop léger. sinon aillant put le tester avec une RED dragon, c'est juste magique quand il est stabiliser correctement. ( la stabilisation en environ 15 min quand on connait pas trop et avec le temps en 5min il est stabiliser parfaitement ) je vous le recommande si vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour un stabilisateur 3 axes motoriser.
    6 personnes ont trouvé cela utile
  • Avis laissé en France le 26 juillet 2016
    Utilisé dans un cadre pro avec Canon 5D Mk III ou Sony A7 II sur optiques 24-70 f/2.8, ce modèle très utilisé dans la profession rempli bien sa mission à condition de savoir l'utiliser.
    Ne vous attendez pas à un stabilisateur gyroscopique automatique type Movi ou Ronin, il faut ici de la pratique et du temps : l'équilibrage minutieux est primordial (nombreux contrepoids fournis avec le produit), il existe de nombreux tutos vidéo sur Youtube. Mais ça se fait une fois et ensuite on se met des repères, après ça va vite.
    Ensuite il faut beaucoup s'entraîner, tout est question de "doigté" sur le manche (!) pour parvenir a réaliser les plans souhaités, notamment travelling circulaire.

    Au bout de quelques heures de pratique, ça marche vraiment bien, une réelle impression de steadycam avec des plans "flottants" qui sont très sympas. Evidemment, ce produit ne remplace pas un vrai steadycam, il n'y a pas de bras de compensation, mais ça marche très bien sur des surfaces planes, en suivi de marche ou de course par exemple.

    L'avantage d'un dispositif aussi léger : on peut l'emmener partout et l'utiliser plusieurs heures sans souffrir, ce qui n'est pas le cas d'un gyroscopique comme le Ronin...
    7 personnes ont trouvé cela utile
  • Avis laissé en France le 14 décembre 2018
    Excellent produit, très efficace, indispensable pour la réalisation de vidéo stables, produit de fabrication sérieuse, simple à régler et à équilibrer, s'adapte à différents matériels, pour les appareils photos il s'adapte aux différents objectifs sans problème
    Une personne a trouvé cela utile

Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays

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  • Bluey
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles This is the best purchase I have made being an amateur videographer
    Avis laissé au Canada le 29 mai 2015
    This is the best purchase I have made being an amateur videographer. Really makes every shot look so smooth.

  • Andrea Marchese
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles Prodotto validissimo
    Avis laissé en Italie le 13 mars 2016
    Prodotta validissimo... All'inizio i vuole pratica ma una l'età mostrato ci si lavora da dio... L'unica pecca è che un pochino pesantuccia... Ma per il resto è proprio il top
  • Cliente Amazon
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles Fantástico
    Avis laissé en Espagne le 15 février 2016
    Tengo un temblor en las manos que hace que cada vez que tomo imágenes a pulso, éstas queden muy movidas, no pudiendo aprovechar prácticamente ninguna.
    Los mecanismos del Glidecam absorven al 100% los temblores, quedando una imagen impecable.
    Construcción robusta, fácil de montar y manejar. Lo laborioso es encontrar el punto de equilibrio para la estabilización. Viendo unos cuantos tutoriales y con horas de práctica, se consiguen resultados espectaculares.

    Para mi, una perfecta inversión.
  • Nine Five Garage
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles Easiest 5 stars ever.
    Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 21 janvier 2014
    I researched and thought very hard about which stabilizer to invest in. I was very close to getting the Opteka for a significantly lower price, but what always seems to happen is I quickly outgrow it and end up buying the real deal anyway and spending more than if I had just bought what I really wanted to begin with. Well the Glidecam definitely IS the real deal.

    Initial setup does take a bit of time. If you don't know what you're doing and need to follow along with the instructions, it might take about 15 minutes to put together, not including balance fine-tuning. But the bulk of the time you will spend will be in balancing it. You mainly just need to screw together a few metal parts, and mount the "quick release" plate to your camera. Not too bad.

    This is the tricky part that you'll really need to practice on. The first time I balanced it, I just put all 10 weights (5 on each end) on the Glidecam and started playing with it, I was too excited to properly balance it. I suppose overweighting is better than underweighting, but it was much harder to control smoothly with overweighting, even though I was already noticing a massive improvement of my wide-angle motion shots. I then went back to properly re-balance it. I actually ended up needing 2 weights (1 on each end) to get that perfect floaty feel.

    Once you are in the ball park of how much weight you need, the easiest way to fine-tune it is to adjust the length of the vertical bar. Even the tiniest adjustments will cause very noticeable changes in control. If you just lengthen the bar by a few millimeters, it gives lowers the center of gravity ever so slightly, which is what I needed to do to get my vertical balancing perfect. You will also need to play with the knobs on the top mounting section. There is a metal plate in there you can move forward/back/left/right to perfect the balance. I'm using a Canon 5D Mk II and a 60D. Both of them needed to be adjusted to the left a bit since their center of gravity leans right (due to heavier components like the battery and off-center lens mounts on that side). With heavier lenses like my 24-70 f/2.8L, I also need to pull back the positioning on the plate, since those will put so much weight in the front.

    In any case, I highly recommend watching a few balancing videos on youtube and get a few different perspectives on the ways to balance your Glidecam. If you can't get the balancing down, you'll never realize this product's full potential.

    This thing is pure quality. Nearly 100% of it is solid metal, and I appreciate that it is made in the USA unlike nearly everything else I've ever bought from amazon. When using it, I never feel any wobbliness or lose bolts or any other weirdness. You can simply feel the quality just holding it.

    Of course, balancing is the most important part, but assuming you are done with that, let's talk about actually using this. First of all, you'll want to go around your home or a park or something and just practice. A lot. You'll look silly but it's the only way to get down the technique. I had my wife help me as the subject, and I tried a lot of scenes. Such as, following behind her while walking, leading her while walking backwards, circling around her while trying to keep her smoothly centered in the frame at all times, etc. I'm still not amazing, but just from practicing this type of stuff for about a week I am much better. You'll need to learn how to effectively aim your shot while gliding. You can't simply use a 2nd hand to hold the vertical bar, as that will defeat the purpose of it and reintroduce shaking and wobbling you are trying to get rid of. I just use very gentle taps and twists to guide the shot, and let gravity and inertia do the rest. It's a lot harder than it sounds, but with practice, it starts to become second nature. I also recommend to try to keep your eye on the subject and general positioning of your lens and camera. If you try to keep your eyes glued to your camera's LCD screen the whole time, it actually makes it harder to keep the shot perfectly in frame.

    *Glidecam HD-1000 vs. HD-2000 vs. HD-4000*
    If you are deciding between different kinds or stabilizers, let me first assure you that you can't go wrong with these Glidecams. There are other, cheaper brands that do similar things, and if you're just a hobbyist with no intention of going big with your hobby in your lifetime, they may be the better option. But someday I'm hoping I can make cool enough videos to get some attention, for which I really feel like the real thing is worth the extra cash for. As far as the different models of Glidecams, it's pretty simple. I initially was leaning to the 4000 thinking it must be better because it costs more. But as I researched them, I pretty much realized they are all the same thing but with different intended sizes and weights of supported cameras. You don't get any extra features or bells & whistles with a 4000 than a 2000 or 1000. And based on the weight of my DSLR cameras and lenses, the 2000 seemed like a perfect middle ground. I would say nearly any size DSLR and a variety of lenses would pair well with the HD-2000. If you have a small DSLR and kit lens, like a T5i and an 18-55mm lens, you could probably even do fine with the HD-1000, though the 2000 would give you more room to grow. Certainly anything smaller like a typical consumer camcorder or point-and-shoot camera would do just fine with the 1000. Larger or commercial/professional cameras/camcorders may require a 4000. But for my 5D and variety of lenses, the 2000 was perfect.

    If you are going for the best, this is it. You just need to decide if the cost is worth it to you, since the cheaper brands are still decent. For me, it was absolutely worth it. This thing is amazing. The first time I tripped over something while filming, then played back the video, is where I felt most vindicated in my purchase. I tripped over an 12" concrete wall and slipped over the other side before regaining my footing. Playing back the video, it barely even registered. It looked more like a brief, slight panning acceleration than an "I wasn't paying attention" trip. I usually try to balance out my positive reviews with at least a couple cons, but I am struggling to find any for this. Really the only negative is the cost. So you can at least trust that if it's within your budget, you will not be disappointed.
  • david horrocks
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles set up is straight forward and balancing easy if you use a two/ three way spirit level ...
    Avis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 27 juin 2015
    Quality Glidecam. A touch on the heavy side when used with my canon XF 100,set up is straight forward and balancing easy if you use a two/ three way spirit level attached to your camera hotshot.